Hello there!

We are really proud to announce that we have been nominated for two (2) awards at the prestigious Nigerian Healthcare Excellence Awards.

Please vote for us, we would love to win it!


1. Visit the NHEA voting portal – https://nigeriahealthcareawards.com.ng/online-voting/

👉2. Register/Create an Account – next step is to create an account. An email will be sent to you

👉3. Verify your email by clicking on the link (here) sent to your email .

👉4. Click on HOW TO VOTE and Click on the NHEA Voting Portal Link

👉5. Scroll down to Healthcare Delivery Services Category and click on Next until you get to the following sections:

📍a) Safecare Public Facility of the Year

📍b) Most Active Facility on the SafeCare Quality Platform

👉6. Select General Hospital Ikorodu under the 2 sections and click on Vote.