Medical Laboratory

The Laboratory Department is well equipped and staffed with the following units fully operational: Chemical Pathology, Blood Transfusion Service, Haematology, Microbiology, DOT/Genexpert and Virology.

Investigations carried out by the Laboratory include Complete Blood Count (CBC), haematocrit (PCV) ESR, Genotype, blood group, compatibility testing, Coombs test (Direct and indirect) Electrolyte/Urea/Creatinine, lipid profile, LFT, OGTT, HBAIC, HBsAg, HCV, Syphilis, BHCG, Urine / HVS / ECS / Wound Swab / Stool / SFA / CSF, Sputum Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity, Malaria Parasite, Skin snip and TB.

The Virology Unit is a specialized unit for testing of viral diseases such as Lassa fever and Corona virus.

The Department offers 24 hour services including emergency, routine and specialized services every day of the week including public holidays.

The hospital has a Private -Public Partnership pathology laboratory run by Donolush within the hospital.

This laboratory complements General Hospital main laboratory. This laboratory carries out other investigations that are not available in the main laboratory such as Dimer, 32, Quantitative BCG, Lipase, Amylase, Creatinine Clearance, C-Reactive Protein, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Estradiol, Progesterone, Testoterone, TFT, Carcino – Embryonic Antigen, CA – 125, CK-MB, Troponin 1, Pap Smear Cytology, Histology, Blood Culture and Drug Abuse Test and Others.

HIV Laboratory

The Section is responsible for Counseling, testing, diagnosis and screening of HIV patients. Treatment monitoring with haematological analysis, chemistry analysis and CD4 Counts. Viral load and DBS specimen collection for onward transfer to PCR Laboratory.